Pem Benda Sith Benda Neth Kalma Chords
Chandrakumara Kadanarachchi
Last Played 25/03/2025 15:01
Play Count 14278 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
Play Count 14278 Contributor: J Keerthiratne
View +2 more Chandrakumara Kadanarachchi Chords
Chord Diagrams for 'Pem Benda Sith Benda Neth Kalma' song:
[Intro] ------------- [|Ebm | - | - | - | | - | - | - | - | |C# | - | - | - | | - | - | - | Ebm|] [Chorus] ------------- Ebm Pem banda sith banda neth kalma C# ran sihina seya..... C# Indu dunna se nasena rawatilla Ebm F# Ebm luhu bandina ma ya..... [Verse 1] ------------- Ebm F# Ebm C# Ran tharakawo denethe randunawe C# Ebm me sonduru sihine kawada itu wedo lande..... Ebm Abm C# F# nim him nathe..... senehe laye..... Ebm Abm C# F#/Ebm mando lande..... sangawee giye.... [Verse 2] ------------- Ebm F# Ebm C# Pem banda hinda in ma dawunawe C# Ebm me sonduru piyase noase mihiri geeye..... Ebm Abm C# F# hanguman mage..... oba ha bande..... Ebm Abm C# F#/Ebm pawathum obe..... nodanim lande....
2 More Songs by Chandrakumara Kadanarachchi:
Pem Benda Sith Benda Neth Kalma Lyrics:

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